The manager and editor of the site
SAS Manoir de Kerlut
possessing a capital of 744 530 €. Headquarters located at the following address:
Manoir de Kerlut
Route de Kerlut,
29740 Plobannalec-Lesconil
SIRET N°: 440 929 990 00016
APE Code : 7010 Z
VAT : FR12440929990
Tel: +33 2 98 82 23 89
Website: https://www.camping-bretagne-oceanbreton.fr/manoirdekerlut/
Head of publication: Mme FURIC Kayleigh
Conception and production
Interaview Production
82, avenue du Général Patton, 49 000 Angers
Web : https://www.interaview.com
Our Accommodation
The company Gandi SAS, possessing a social capital of 800.000 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies register of Paris, under the number 423 093 456, with the head office located at 63-65 Boulevard Masséna – 75013 Paris France, telephone +33 (0)1 70 37 76 61, assures the rental insurance of the campsite https://www.camping-bretagne-oceanbreton.fr/manoirdekerlut/ .
Respect for Privacy
The right to the access and the modification of any data pertinent to person
The respect and adherence to this Privacy policy is adopted by the company MANOIR DE KERLUT. The person in question is formally given the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning the person (art.34 of the “Computer and Liberty Act”, nº 78-17: 16 January 1978). In order to exercise this right, please send an email to the following address: manoirdekerlut@campingsbretagnesud.com. Please note that the term “Personal Information” stipulates any/and all information allowing a person to be identified. The most common information includes name, address, telephone number and email address.
Use of cookies
The company MANOIR DE KERLUT may need to use the “cookie system:. Cookies do not enable any persons to be identified, the cookies are employed for general use in order to collect any information used by the person when visiting this website. These cookies allow us to identify which segments of our website the person showed the most interest in. The company MANOIR DE KERLUT may then pinpoint the person’s main interests in order to provide a person with information particularly adapted to their needs. These “cookies” also prevent the person from having to supply the same information each time they connect within the measure of the retained data previously communicated by the aforementioned person in the past. It is possible for any persons to detect the presence of these “cookies” and, should they wish to, delete them. It is also possible for any persons to refuse the recording of the cookies by deactivating this function in the “preference section” of their internet browser.
Security and Privacy while on the network
Any messages a person may send to us through the intermediary of the internet may be intercepted by the network. Until the message has been received, the confidentiality of this message is not guaranteed. Please ensure not to give out any private, useless, sensitive information, or any information from a third party. Please also note that the source indication of electronic messages we receive can be falsified. As a result, should any persons wish to communicate any sort of aforementioned information, please communicate this information through postal service only. We also wish to clarify that no complaint, statement or request for council transmitted through internet message will be taken into account. Please formulate any requests you have via postal service only. For more information concerning the right procedure to follow or any ongoing court cases, please contact the company MANOIR DE KERLUT by letter.
Respect of Copyright
Use of the information found on the site and copyright
The use of any document from the website of the company MANOIR DE KERLUT is authorised for private use only. Any use of said documents for other means is strictly prohibited. The company MANOIR DE KERLUT certifies to the best of its capabilities the exactitude and update of any information uploaded onto this site. It also reserves the right to correct this content at any moment and without forewarning. The website advises any visitors to verify the information provided by other means, including contacting the company directly. Consequentially, the company MANOIR DE KERLUT accepts no responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission pertaining to the information available on the website: for any damages resulting from a fraudulent intrusion and modification of the information available on the website and generally covering any damage, indirect or otherwise, regardless of the cause, origin, nature or consequences that entail following the access of any persons to the website or the incapacity of access to the website, including the use of the website and/or any credit accorded to any kind of information pertaining directly or indirectly from the aforementioned scenario. In addition, unless indicated otherwise, the rights of intellectual property on the documents contained on the site, as well as each element created for this website, are the exclusive property of the company MANOIR DE KERLUT and its suppliers, the aforementioned entities do not grant any licence or right to other persons to consult the website. The reproduction of any documents published on this site are uniquely authorised for the exclusive purpose of providing information for personal and private usage, any reproduction or use of any copies made for any other purpose are strictly forbidden. Any brands cited on this website exclusively belong to their respective companies. Any products, logos or images cited in the pages of our website are the exclusivity of their respective brands. Any photographs reproducing the aforementioned products are in no way contractual.
Technical Information
The current site is accessible 24/7, with the exception of major unavoidable circumstances: connection difficulties, connection issues linked to the structure of the communication network, difficulties of a technical nature. Website Access can be temporarily blocked at any time.
Application of French Law:
The non-respect of any present dispositions exposes the offender to criminal pursuit and criminal sanctions. The present document is written and interpreted according to French law, and pertains from the exclusive competency of the French Courts. If one or more dispositions of the present text is declared null and void or without jurisdictional weight, any other dispositions will regardless remain applicable.